If we conduct an assessment or consultation on the unemployment of the educated unemployed in our society of this period, we will find two equally contradictory facts.

"Unemployment and Unlimited jobs"

1. Why are these jobs not obtainable to educated unemployed?
2. Why do these contradictions not go hand in hand?
A closer look reveals the cause: the cause is very simple.
The vast majority of students today have successfully completed their studies not in a field of study that suits their Aptitude, Personality, interests, or intellect.
Instead, under the influence of various external stimuli, they are forced to take a course section in the wrong direction, thereby becoming an unemployed person with no employability skills.
Due to the pressure of external factors it is common for a course to be chosen instead of coming to a clear and definite conclusion in a situation of complete confusion.
This degree often leads to an educated unemployed rather than leading the student to a self-sufficient career.

"Are you a higher secondary student and preparing for a college?"

But haven't you chosen a college or Graduate specialization subject yet? "

A higher secondary student should choose the Graduate specialisation or Career for your degree course must be completely scientific. Because the course chosen after higher secondary education will be linked to your future job and career
Unsurprisingly, choosing a college or career / course is usually a challenge for both the student and the parent. The way out to this dilemma is for the student to attend and attempt a career aptitude test.
What should be examined in the career aptitude assessment test?
Aptitude – Inborn and Innate taste
Own personality- Personality Traits
Interests based on the abilities.

This is because career and career success is possible only if one enters a course or a career field that matches one’s Aptitude, Personality and Interest, subsequently it then leads to a balanced personal life, career life and family life
The most complex problem of today's student generation is that most school students do not have the responsibility and skills to make a self-assessment and choice regarding the following questions.
1. What is my future career area that I really like?
2. What is my favourite course of study as a student?
3. What are the topics / careers that really motivate and interest a student?
4. Have you ever considered what are the priorities required for a successful career?
5. Has a student ever reviewed the background details of a career that suits him?
6. Has the student ever evaluated ability, aptitude, intelligence, interests and personality in any field?
Students have no knowledge of the scientific criteria by which these questions are answered.
Instead, it is now forcing students to choose a career, course and college choice in the wrong direction under the influence of various external stimuli.

1. Most students choose courses and colleges under the influence of their own parents.
2. Selects course to continue traditional and family occupations
3. Course selection is done as per the instructions of the relatives
4. Choose a course for further study with classmates
5. Most students choose their courses according to the current job market trends
6. Course selection is done in accordance with the attractive advertisements of training institutes and educational institutes.
All of this often leaves the majority of graduate students unemployed or Unemployable or unable to successfully complete their degree, leaving the undergraduate course at the end of one or two years and opting for other courses.
This is where a scientific career assessment or aptitude test comes into play.

Through scientific aptitude test, a student can easily identify his or her intellectual personality depends on which course / career and also check whether it is in line with interests
The Career Aptitude Assessment describes where an individual's innate or inborn aptitude, personality and interests are and what course or career they are best suited for.
So, if I can identify the best course (best fit) for me during my school days itself and graduate in that course, then I can escape from the future unemployment, job dissatisfaction, unemployability and job stress, and I will be able to lead a successful life.
School to Campus - Campus to Corporate These two transitions are milestones in student life. If rational and prudent decisions are not made in this transformational process, professional life, personal life and family life will not be able to integrate with each other.
Therefore, the following facts should be considered while pursuing further studies in a professional course at degree level after passing Higher Secondary.
1. Job availability / job entrepreneurship is the ultimate goal of a professional education
2. Therefore, the institution should be selected in the appropriate place
3. The vision of an educational institution close to home is conducive to school learning. But the same criteria should not be used for professional education
4. One of the first things you need to realize is that professional education is a career pursuit.
5. So do not think of nearness or close to home
6. A college with an industrial and business background in a metro city is a must for professional education.
7. Only then will the elements of internship, regular industrial visit and campus recruitment be available.
8. Similarly, professional education requires not just teachers who teach the syllabus but also trainers from the industry to teach the case studies and it practical & technological areas. Such facilities are available only with study from educational institutions in metro cities
9. If a student wants to secure employment through the campus recruitment system, he or she must study in an industrial / business context.
10. Do not pursue professional graduation on the assumption that academic degrees are earned one by one. Degrees such as graduation, post-graduation, research and post-doctoral research are not interchangeable professional degrees.
By the time while you complete your post-doctoral degree you will be about 30 years old and then you will be looking for a job, though you will not be able to find a job with an industrial or business environment. Subsequently you will depend on the available option of the teaching job. After obtaining a professional technical degree or postgraduate degree, a teacher cannot teach without knowledge of contemporary technology.