Generation Z students (born between 1995–2010) are entrepreneurial, desire practical skills with their education, and are concerned about the cost of college.
Generation Z students believe it’s important for colleges to teach entrepreneurship, practical skills, hands-on application of in internships during the course of college
Generation Z students also highly value input from their peers more than parents or other role models. In fact, they relies on the opinions of their peers more than admission or school counsellors when it comes to selecting a college.

Social issues are also important to Generation Z, want to create an “equitable environment for everyone.” “Generation Z feels passionate about making their world a better place,” Generation Z is the most tech-savvy of all to date, mobile and app-native” and Generation Z’s “lens to the world is a small screen with multiple apps running simultaneously.” “genZ can instantly stream their favourite TV shows on Netflix and their favorite music on Spotify. Texting as a preferred method to receive information, gaining broader appeal to Social

Entrepreneurial Pragmatists
Generation Z is considered more pragmatic in their career planning. They prioritize gaining skills that will help them thrive amidst change and uncertainty and are entrepreneurial with a drive to solve social and environmental problems.
Generation Z , often disengaged from political participation and take little interest in running for public office, preferring not to participate in what they view as a dysfunctional political system. And are very career-minded,
Generation Z Teens Do Research in the Digital World through social media and YouTube and considered as to be good sources for doing research.
Generation Z has grown up with a fast-forward button and a like button. They use their multiple-screen view of the world to get peer reviewed (most social media likes) content and they won’t pay attention to anything that isn’t as good as something they can find online.
A College Might Be Right for Gen “Z”
1. A college with wide variety of clubs, sports, and activities to choose from on a daily basis.
2. A college should be recognised by everyone when they tell them where you go.
3. A college with sports facilities and want to cheer the team at big games.
4. A college with a large alumni network when you graduate.
5. A college offered the opportunity to get energized and exhilarated by large groups of people.
6. A college being taught by teaching assistants from industries instead of the professors.